WWR Rankings

Welcome to the homepage of the Wigness Williams Rowell (WWR) College Football Rankings. Throughout the season watch for updates in the links above. The first set of rankings will be produced after the 8th week of the regular season.


October 25, 2010: New rankings are being posted weekly, with new analysis and updated methodology!

February 19, 2010: Our work, A New Iterative Method for Ranking College Football Teams, has been accepted by The Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports.

November 6, 2009: The following video appeared on KATU Ch. 2 at 6:14pm on Portland TV News.

September 25, 2009: Our work has been featured in the Oregonian. Click here to see the article.

August 31, 2009: A brief summary of our work can be found here.

Maggie Wigness challenges the BCS

June 30, 2009: Maggie Wigness has been invited to speak at the New England Symposium on Statistics in Sports. She will be speaking on Using New Iterative Methods and Fine Grain Data to Rank College Football Teams, a joint work with Chadd Williams and Michael Rowell .

2043 College Way, Forest Grove, Oregon, 97116