CS 493 Schedule

Aug 30 What is a senior project?

What ideas do you have for a project?

How do you come up with a project?
The New Methodology

Planning your Project

Sep 01 Project topics Writing for Computer Science


Developing your project proposal
Background research
Sep 06 Project Pitch
DUE: Investments

DUE: background research
Sep 08 Finalizing the projects

Defining project goals and the point of the project

Writing project proposals
Computer Science Writing Style

Usability Goals
Project Proposal
Sep 13 Elevator Pitch

Sep 15 Introduction to scrum software

Software engineering methodologies
Software development process and planning:agile, scrum, sprint, stand-up, epic, user story, scrum master
Sprint retrospective / next sprint planning

DUE: draft project proposal
Sep 20
Work on project proposal

Project Proposal Feedback

Sep 22 Introduction to ScrumDesk

User stories and acceptance criteria
User Stories

Acceptance Criteria
DUE: project proposal
Sep 27 Project Proposal Feedback


User stories and acceptance criteria

Sep 29 Sprint Planning:
- Assign stories to sprints
- Assign tasks to the stories for this sprint
- Assign users to tasks

DUE: Backlog

DUE: Daily stand up
Oct 04 Size stories
DUE: All user stories have acceptance criteria
Oct 06 Sprint burndown charts

Oct 11 Sprint retrospective / next sprint planning
DUE: Add epics to the backlog
Oct 13 Topic Lead: Chadd

Oct 18 Refactoring

Oct 20 Topic Lead:

Oct 25 Sprint retrospective / next sprint planning

Oct 27 Topic Lead:

Nov 01 Refactoring Exercise

Nov 03 Topic Lead:

Nov 08 Sprint retrospective / next sprint planning

Nov 10 Topic Lead:

Nov 15 Programming Interviews

Nov 17  Discussion on presentations and final report
One-on-one meetings

Nov 22 Sprint retrospective / next sprint planning


Nov 29 Practice presentations:

Dec 01 Practice presentations:

Dec 06 Sprint retrospective / next sprint planning

Dec 12 Monday: noon-2:30pm