

Week 1


Discuss syllabus, schedule, blog, and weekly reports

Project ideas

How to plan a project

Defining senior capstone goals

Defining project goals

Software engineering methods

DUE: (19.1) Weekly log

Week 2


Writing project proposals

What is the point of the project?

DUE: (1) Supporting documentation for project idea

Do mind maps

Maintaining a portfolio

Review project proposals

DUE: (2.a) Project proposal draft

DUE: (19.2) Weekly log

Week 3


User interviews

User/developer simulation

Who are the potential users for the project?

DUE: (2.b) Project proposal final

Use cases

UML for use cases

How to conduct interviews/surveys

DUE: (19.3) Weekly log

Week 4


Refining project requirements

User interface

Discuss possible technologies for projects

Importance of coding standards

Review user requirements

DUE: (3) User requirements/Interview

DUE: (19.4) Weekly log

Week 5


UML and using it for project specification

Writing project specs

DUE: (4) Development environment and coding standards

Scheduling for a project

DUE: (19.5) Weekly log

Week 6


Discuss specification documents

How to present a project

DUE: (5) Structured diagram and project specification

DUE: (6) Project schedule

DUE: (19.6) Weekly log

Week 7


Refine project schedules

Discuss presentation slides and presentation techniques

DUE: (13) Project proposal presentation. We will meet in the CS lab. .

DUE: (19.7) Weekly log

Week 8


DUE: (13) Project proposal presentation. We will meet in the CS lab.

Prototypes and tracer bullets

Defining your prototype

Module designs

Module implementations

DUE: (19.8) Weekly log

Week 9


(17) Individual meetings:

  1. We'll check up on the schedule and your process. I'll also review the blog and weekly logs with you.

(17) Individual meetings:

  1. We'll check up on the schedule and your process. I'll also review the blog and weekly logs with you.

Week 10


(16) Topic Lead:

(16) Topic Lead:

DUE: (7) Project prototype or tracer bullet

(11) Design review:

(11) Design review:

DUE: (19.9) Weekly log

Week 11


(16) Topic Lead:

(16) Topic Lead:

(11) Design review:

(11) Design review:

DUE: (19.10) Weekly log

Week 12


(16) Topic Lead:

(16) Topic Lead:

(11) Design review:

(11) Design review:

DUE: (19.11) Weekly log

Week 13


(12) Code review

Thanksgiving break (NO CLASS)

Week 14


DUE: (14) First project progress presentation.

Class evaluations

What would you like to see in CS492?

DUE: (14) First project progress presentation.

DUE: (21) Project portfolio

DUE: (19.12) Weekly log
