# File name:  Makefile
# Author:     Chadd Williams
# Date:       1/31/2011
# Class:      CS480
# Assignment: Eclipse Example
# Purpose:    This is a Makefile that is part of a project that can be used 
#             to demonstrate how to use Eclipse, Subversion, Debugger, 
#             Valgrind, and Makefiles.

########## WARNING ##########
# If you copy and paste this file to Eclipse
# make sure you replace the spaces before
# gcc and rm with a Tab character
# Don't forget to comment your Makefiles!
all: CS480_simple

CS480_simple: bin/CS480_simple

bin/CS480_simple: bin/CS480_simple.o
gcc -o bin/CS480_simple bin/CS480_simple.o -g
bin/CS480_simple.o: src/CS480_simple.c
    gcc -c src/CS480_simple.c -o bin/CS480_simple.o -g
    rm -rf bin/*