Exam 2 Extra Credit

By Sunday, November 8 at 5pm, post a question to the message board that requires the use of at least one of
the following pieces of SQL functionality: 
Post your question in the CS445 Lecture Discussion forum. Reply to "Exam2 Extra Credit Questions".  Post your answer (the SQL solution
and results) to "Exam2 Extra Credit Answers".  An example question and solution is posted. Use the Assignment One database for your question. 

These questions should be of moderate difficulty and are worth up to two bonus points on the exam.


There are six different bits of SQL functionality you can choose from.  The set of posted questions must cover all of these
bits of functionality.  If the set of functionality is not covered, no bonus points will be awarded.  An individual question may cover
more that one bit of functionality.  Each student may post more than one question, but only one question per student counts toward
covering the set (the question that is most useful to the class in covering the set).  Each question must be distinct and must be different
than those listed in

Assignment One Database Modifications:

To make these queries a bit easier to write, add some data to the database:

Zone: Resort        Commission Rate: 15%
Zone: SuperFund Commission Rate: 1%

Agent: Bob Rob
Agent: Carl Kasell
Customer: Michael Feldman


    1919  Maple St, OutThere, OR, 10707, 2 story, 9 rooms, 0.6 acre, $200,001
    9191  Park Ave, Here, OR, 10707,  9.1 acre, $2,900,009, Resort

    John Lee, 9191  Park Ave, $100,000,  $2,600,001
    Boss Hogg, 9191  Park Ave, $230,000,  $2,500,001
    Jane Wayne, 9191  Park Ave, $130,000,  $2,700,001