CS310 Theoretical Computer Science


Course Syllabus

Fall 2008




   This course is an introduction to the mathematical foundations of the theory of computation. We will study automata theory, formal languages, the theory of computability and undecidability, and computational complexity.  This material is central to many branches of computer science; it underlies the basic theory of compiler design, the efficiency of algorithms, and the limitations of computing. 




Have a basic understanding of complexity theory, computability theory, and automata theory.







Mathematical notation

Pumping Lemma

Proof by induction

Pushdown Automata

(Non) Deterministic Finite Automata

Parsing (LL)

Regular Expressions

Turing Machines

Context Free Grammars

Big O Notation


Instructor Details


Professor: Chadd Williams

Email: chadd@pacificu.edu

Office: Strain 202

Phone: (503) 352-3041

Office Hours: 

M 10:30 am – 11:30 am
T 11:00 am – noon
W 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Th 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
or by appointment


Course Basics


Course Title: CS310 Introduction to Theoretical Computer Science

Prerequisite: CS250


Meeting Times: MWF 01.00 - 01.50 PM (lecture)


Location:        Marsh LL21

Textbook:      Introduction to the Theory of Computation by Michael Sipser, PWS Publishing Company, ISBN 0321129474 (Second Edition)

From this text we will cover Chapters 0, 1, 2, most of 3, part of 4, and most of 7.

Errata: http://www-math.mit.edu/~sipser/book.html


Software:       JFLAP -- http://www.jflap.org/

Course Website: http://zeus.cs.pacificu.edu/chadd/cs310f08/


Course Assessment



Grade Distribution
Homework 20%
Unannounced Quizzes
Exam 1 25%
Exam 2 25%
Final 25%
Percent Breakdown

  92-100 A   90-92 A-
88-90 B+   82-88 B   80-82 B-
78-80 C+   72-78 C   70-72 C-
68-70 D+   60-68 D      
0-60 F            




Important Dates


Dates for Midterms

Date of Final

Other Dates

1 September Labor day holiday (no classes)

8 September Last day to add courses. Last day to drop courses with no record

3 October No classes (Arts & Sciences)

3 November Last day to withdraw from courses

26-28 November Thanksgiving break (starting at Noon on the 26nd)

3 December Reading day


Course Policies