CS150 Introduction to Computer Science I

Fall 2010

Catalog Description

A first course in computer programming fundamentals: no previous programming experience is required. This course will be taught in C++ and include programming projects in a variety of areas. Course content includes data types, selection structures, repetition structures, functions, arrays, structures and I/O. In addition to three lectures per week, the class meets weekly for a laboratory session. Corequisite: Math 125. 4 hours.


The above topics were copied with permission from the Computing Curricula 2008 recommendations,
the latest version of which can always be found here

Instructor Details


Chadd Williams




Strain 202


(503) 352-3041

Office Hours

Monday 10:30-noon
Tuesday 3-4pm
Thursday 1-2:30pm

or by appointment

Course Details

Course Title:

CS150 Introduction to Computer Science I


Math 125 Precalculus

Required for:

A grade of C or better in CS150 is required for CS250 Introduction to Computer Science II

Meeting Times:

MWF 9:15am – 10:05am (Lecture)

T 1:00pm -2:30 PM (Lab)


Marsh LL12


Starting out with C++ from Control Structures through Objects, sixth edition, Brief Version, Tony Gaddis

  • Publisher: Addison Wesley; 6 edition (October 8, 2009)
  • ISBN-10: 0136022537
  • ISBN-13: 978-0136022534


Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. Copies will be provided by the instructor

Course Website:


Course Assessment

As a general rule of thumb, students are expected to spend 2 hours outside of class for each hour of class time. This means that you should be spending 8 hours per week outside of class on the readings, projects, and homework. At least 1 hour a week should be spent on non-assignment based studying

Grade Distribution:

6 – 8 Programming Assignments


Unscheduled Quizzes (open-note)


3 Exams


Final Exam


Lab Projects


Programming Projects Grading:

Successful Execution


Acceptable structure, style, documentation, and efficiency.
You must follow the C++ Coding Standards, version 5.0


Percent Breakdown:























Important Dates

Tentative dates for Exams:

Exam 1: Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Exam 2: Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Exam 3: Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Date of Final:

Tuesday, December 14, 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM

Labor Day:

Monday, September 6, 2010 (No Class)

Fall Break:

Friday, October 8, 2010 (No Class)

Thanksgiving Break:

Wednesday, November 24, 2010 – Friday, November 26, 2010 (No Class)

Reading Day:

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Academic Calendar:


Course Policies

  1. Attendance: Attendance at every class is critical to your success in this course. I expect you to be on time and ready to go once it is 9:15am and that you stay until the end of class. You will not be allowed into the classroom once I close the door and start teaching. Any missed lecture is your responsibility to make up; just remember that if you fall behind, it will be very difficult for you to catch up.

  1. Programming Assignments: All assignments are to be programmed in C++ in Visual Studio. Both the electronic copy and hardcopy of your assignments are due at 9:15am on the day that they are due.

  1. Lab Projects: All lab projects must be turned in to ‘CS150-02 Lab’ on Turing by Friday at 5pm of the week that they were assigned. If you do not submit the lab project by that time then you will receive a 0 for that project grade.

  2. No early or late exams/final will be given. No incompletes will be given.

  3. Academic Dishonesty: Pacific University has no tolerance for academic dishonesty. It is university policy that all acts of academic dishonesty be reported to the Associate Dean. Forms of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to, plagiarism, fabrication, cheating, tampering with grades, forging signatures, and using electronic information resources in violation of acceptable use policies. Please consult the Academic Conduct Policies in the A&S Catalog for more details.

  1. Neither computer failure, software failure, nor lack of computer access are accepted as excuses for late programs; therefore, start work on the programs as soon as they are assigned, and don't put them off until the last minute. Further, corruption of programs due to bad disk media is also not accepted as an excuse for late programs; therefore, always keep a current backup of all programs on a separate disk. Please note that the Computer Science departmental servers are not backed up.

  2. You may be asked to leave the class if you are causing a distraction e.g. cell phone ringing, talking, etc.

  3. Grade Complaints: If you have a complaint regarding a grade on an assignment or exam, write a one paragraph description of why you feel the grade is incorrect and deliver it to the instructor within five working days of when the graded material was returned to you. I will not consider any grade changes later than five working days after the graded material was returned.

  4. If you have a documented disability covered under the ADA then services and accommodations are available from LSS (Learning Support Services). If you need reasonable accommodations to fully participate in course activities or meet course requirements, you must contact Edna K. Gehring, Director of LSS, at X2107. She will meet with you, review the documentation of their disabilities, and discuss the services Pacific offers.