If you are currently registered in CS120, please fill out the following form and send it to the printer. Staple multiple pages together before turning in.
Please complete the following class schedule.
Note: You can go to http://www.pacificu.edu/registrar to find the schedule of classes.
The computer I own is a : Macintosh: - IBM(PCs): - UNIX/LINUX machine: - None:
The computer(s) I own is a:Laptop: - Desktop:
I feel comfortable with the following Operating Systems: Macintosh: - Windows 98/2000/XP: - UNIX/LINUX :
I have programmed in: Java: - C/C++: - BASIC: - HTML: - Other: if other, please specify
I have experience with: Telnet/SSH: - Excel: - SPSS: - Maple: - Microsoft Word: - PowerPoint: - Dreamweaver: - Photoshop:
On average, how many hours do you spend on the Internet per week:
Please check "yes" or "no" for each of the following questions
I know what a folder is and how to create one? Yes: No:
I know what a floppy disk is and how to format one? Yes: No:
I know what a flash memory stick is? Yes: No:
I know how to copy files to folders and memory sticks? Yes: No:
I know how to select various printing resources? Yes: No:
I know what the trash is and how to use it? Yes: No:
I am familiar with Max OS X? Yes: No:
I have/had a web page that I designed myself? Yes: No:
What kind of things would you like to learn in this course?
What are the top three things you use the Internet for? 1. 2. 3.
What are your biggest concerns about this course?