CS230 Assignment #5

Date assigned: Monday, November 20, 2006
Date due: Monday, November 27, 2006

Part I

Copy the AnimalDBF05.mdb from the CS130 Public folder on Turing to your desktop.

Part II

Spend some time looking at the various features of this database including tables, queries, forms, ...

Part III

In a Word document, perform each of the following tasks after opening up the database and looking at the various Tables, Queries, Forms, Reports, ...

a) List the names of each Table in the database.

b) Open the relationships window and arrange the tables as close together as possible. Then make a copy of the relationships window and paste it into word.

c) List two tables that have a many-to-one relationship. Identify which table is the many and which table is the one. Then describe what causes the many-to-one relationship to exist. Be specific.

d) Using two entirely different tables, list two tables that have a one-to-many relationship identifying which table is the one and which is the many. Then describe what causes the one-to-many relationship to exist. Be specific.

e) Are there any foreign keys? If so, list one. If there are multiple, list at least two. Explain what makes these keys foreign.

Part IV

e) Create (and save) the following queries where the query name is shown in bold:

  1. Outstanding Balance - list all customers with an outstanding balance. Include Customer Name, Customer ID, Street/Apt, State, ZipCode, OutstandingBalance.
  2. Discount - list all customers from Oregon who qualify for a 20% discount. Include Customer Name.
  3. Bird or Pets - list all customers that have the word Bird or Pets in any part of their name. Include Customer Name.
  4. Many To One - design a query using two tables that have a many-to-one relationship that prints out at least two pieces of information from each table. The query needs to make sense. In your word document, explain the meaning of your query.

Part V

Create forms as follows:

  1. frm_Customer - this form allows the input of all customer data for the tbl_Customer
  2. frm_Employees - this form allows the input of all employee data for the tbl_Employees

Part VI

Create any kind of report that makes sense from the data in the AnimalDBF05.mdb database. Save this report in the database as rpt_Whatever where Whatever reflects a meaningful name for your report.

Save the Word document (05YourPUNetAnimal.doc) and the Access file (AnimalF05.mdb) in a folder called 05YourPUNetAnimal and place this folder into the CS130 Drop Box by 3pm on the date in which the assignment is due.