CS360 Assignment 6

Online Quiz Revisited


Date Assigned: Thursday, April 15, 2004

Date Due: Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Total Points: 60


For this assignment you will modify assignment 4 (Online Quiz) so that the questions will be read from a database instead of a file. You will also write a program that can connect with the database and allow certain users to add questions to the database. This client can be command line based.


This assignment will give you practical experience in:

-       Writing Java programs that connect to a database

-       Using MySQL


I have created accounts and databases for each one of you on the natural science server. You need to connect to the server using an ssh client (for example putty). The server address is (server.ns.pacificu.edu), your user name is your PUNET ID and your password is your id number.


Once you are connected, you can start mysql normally and modify your database. An empty database has been created for each one of you called PUNET IDCS360, for example khoj0332CS360.


We will also use the server to host your applets. You will need to place all your java, class and html files in the sites folder in your folder on the natural science server. The address for testing your applet is:



You will need to replace khoj0332 with your own PUNET ID.


The client that you will need to write to modify the database should be able to run on any machine connected to the network, and remotely modify the database. The client should accept a username and password (as command line arguments) and use them to connect to the database.


On Tuesday, I will show you a simple application that does all of the above. I will also show you how to connect to the natural science server.

Submitting your programs:

Save all your files in a folder called (your PUNET ID) and place the folder in the CS360 drop folder by 9.25 AM on the assignment due date.