CS130/230 Assignment 5



Date Assigned: Tuesday, March 30, 2004

Date Due: Tuesday, April 6, 2004

Total Points: 60


The final project is to create a PowerPoint Presentation for your favorite hobby. You could make the presentation about the hobby itself or about a specific aspect of it. For example, you could choose your favorite author or sports team.


You will be presenting your PowerPoint assignment on the day that it is due. Your presentation should be no more than 5 minutes long.


Your presentation is to contain the following:

-      A title slide

-      An informative slide about the topic

-      At least 7 slides total

-      Text animation or transitioning slides

-      At least 3 graphics on 3 different slides

-      An audio or video clip. If your hobby does not lend itself directly to audio, you should have some background music playing.

-      A nice color scheme with easy to read fonts.

-      A bibliography. This could be one of the 7 slides.


Make certain that the multimedia aspects of your presentation enhance instead of detract from the overall quality. In addition to the above requirements, your presentation should be INFORMATIVE, INTERESTING, and CREATIVE.


Place your completed presentation in the CS130 drop box by 6pm on Tuesday, April 6th.