CS230 Final Project

Microsoft Access


Date Assigned: Friday, January 23, 2004

Date Due: Monday, January 26, 2004

Total Points: 60


For the final project for CS230, you are to develop a meaningful database. The database should be composed of at least three tables, and all the tables need to be joined. Each table should contain at lease three fields, and you must ensure that you set the range, data type and indicate whether the field is required.


You should perform at least four queries on your tables. Again, these should be meaningful queries. You should include one of the following in your queries:

-         Statistics

-         Calculated Field

-         Criteria

You will also need to create two forms. One form should include information from at least two of your tables. You should also include the following in your forms:

-         Images

-         Command Buttons

-         Combo Boxes

-         A text box that uses a value calculated from other fields

You are not required to use Visual Basic to control your form, though you might find it necessary to perform certain actions.


Finally, you will need to create at least two reports. Once again, these reports should be meaningful and creative.


You will need to hand in:

-         The database

-         A word document describing:

o       The database design. Describe the tables that you have and how they connect together

o       Any problems that you came across. Was there something that you really wanted to do in Access but could not figure out?


On Monday, we will meet for an hour to go over some more Visual Basic, then you will demo your databases to everyone. You should prepare a presentation describing your system including the tables in your database, who the end-user to your database will be, the queries, forms and reports that you created. You should also have a summary slide summarizing how the process went. What was easy, what was difficult.


One last word, don’t fret or worry. You’ve done a good job and I look forward to your presentations.