CS360 Android Project Groups

Group #1: Sam, Ryan, Jamaica, JJ
Group #2: Max, Erik, Chris
Group #3: Alex, Perry, Brandon
Group #4: Duncan, Jessica, Michaela, Badr
Group #5: Maggie, Jeff, Jesse
Group #6: Shereen, Chadd, Chris

By Thursday, March 4 you are to have met at least one time to begin brainstorming possible Android project ideas. You are to send me an email with at least three different ideas for projects. You don't need to settle on anything yet and your final project might not even be one of the three you are sending me. Give me enough explanation about each project so that I can at least determine the size of the project you are thinking about. The project must be large enough for each group member to have plenty to do for 3 or 4 weeks.

The subject of your email is to be CS360Android Project Ideas. Also, list the members of your group and how long you met.