CS320 Assignment #6

Date assigned: 4/30/04
Date due: 5/10/04
Points: 60

For this last assignment you are to implement a screensaver or game in 640 x 480 x 256 graphics mode. Either choice must do the following:

  1. Execute in 640 x 480 x 256 mode.
  2. Be dynamic with animation.
  3. Use the mouse.
  4. Use the full color spectrum
In real mode, setting the video mode to 640 x 480 x 256 is done with the following assembly langauge statements:

mov ah, 4fh
mov al, 02h
mov bx, 101h
int 10h
Grading will be based on the following:
  1. Documentation (9 pts) - documentation is to include:
  2. Acceptable Structure / Style (9 pts)
  3. Efficency (9 pts) - coding for speed yet redundancy is not acceptable.
  4. Correctness (13 pts) - code your program to work correctly in all cases and follow the implementation rules listed in a through d above.
  5. Creativity / Overall Impression (20 pts) - the project you decide to implement must be creative and substantial. I want you to use as many of the concepts you've learned in this class as possible.
Turn in a proposal that contains a detailed description of what you are going to code up and how it is going to work. Bring a detailed descrtiption (typed) to class on Monday. I will have a brief discussion with each of you regarding your topic.

Guess that's it for now. I hope you have a blast working with the video buffer.

©Douglas J. Ryan / ryandj@pacificu.edu