CS320 Assignment #2
Date assigned: 2/28/05
Date due: 3/7/05
Points: 30

You are to write a complete assembly language program that will:

  1. Allocate space for an array of 35 unsigned double words
  2. Beginning at location zero, fill each element with the next fibonacci number beginning with 1 (fibonacci numbers are 1,1,2,3,5,... where the next fibonacci number is found by adding the previous two fibonacci numbers)
  3. Output the fibonacci number at the 10th, 25th, and 35th element in the array properly labelled.
Read up on the WriteDec, WriteString and Crlf procedures in Chapter 5 and use these routines to output the results asked for above.

To successfully complete this assignment, you will go through the following steps:
1) Understand this assignment fully before writing any code.
2) Identify inputs (if any).
3) Identify outputs (if any).
4) Write an algorithm to solve the above program.
5) Using the text editor of your choice, code the algorithm in assembly language (DRFIB.ASM). Note: Use the first initial of your first and last name in the name.
6) Then assemble the assembly language code using MAKE16.BAT producing (DRFIB.OBJ, DRFIB.LST, DRFIB.EXE).
7) Execute and debug your program if necessary.
8) Submit your program in the CS320 Drop Box on Turing and bring a copy of your fully documented assembly language program to class.
9) I am working on a documentation example for assembly language solutions. I will go over this during the next class period.

©Douglas J. Ryan