
Access Forms & Reports



In creating and entering information into our tables, we have so far been using the datasheet view. Another way to enter new data and edit existing data is to use forms. Forms are more user-friendly and are more suitable for the end-users of a database than the datasheet view of a table.


The simplest way to create forms for any table is to use the AutoForm object.

Problem 1

Let us create an AutoForm for the customer table. Select the customer table (you do not have to open it), go to the Insert menu and select AutoForm. You can also find AutoForm on the toolbar. It is the New Object toolbar icon.


Once you have created your form, add the following record

FD94, Pacific University, 2043 College Way, Forest Grove, OR, 97116, $5,143.24, $780.55, 30



Creating Reports

Sometimes it is necessary to print out the contents of a table. You can do this directly by clicking on Print Preview. What youÕll notice is that the data does not all fit on one page. It might be necessary to change the orientation of the page from portrait to landscape.


You should now be able to see the whole contents of the table on one page.


Reports are a way of allowing the user to change the format of a printed table. For the next problem we will be creating a report using the report wizard.

Problem 2

Create a report that displays the Customer Name, Amount Paid and Current Due. Use the Report Wizard first and then create the report without using the Wizard.

More on Access Queries

Zoom for calculated fields

When entering the calculated fields, as we did last time, Access provides a useful zoom option so that we can see the whole calculated field on one line. You can open the zoom window by right clicking on the field in the design view of a query and selecting zoom.

Validation Rules in Queries

Nothing that we have done so far ensures that userÕs only ever enter valid data into tables. The database designer needs to specify the validation rules that distinguishes the data that is valid from the data that is not.


Validation rules can indicate:

-      A required field

-      The entry is within a certain range of values

-      Legal values

-      The default value of a field

Problem 3

Let us go back to the customer table. Let us make the address, city, state, amount paid and current due be fields that are not required (could be left blank), while the customer number, name, zip and driver number should be required fields.


You should also specify a range for the amount paid and the current due. Both of these should be positive amounts. You should therefore type >0 in the validation rule box. In the validation text box you type the message that appears to the user when they enter a negative number. Test your range now by adding a record to your table and trying to type in a negative amount.


Let us add another field to the customer table to store the customer type. The type must be EDU, MAN or SER. We must therefore specify that these are the only possible legal values in this field. We will again do this in the validation rule box. Type =ÓEDUÓ OR ÒMANÓ OR ÒSERÓ. Test that the rule works correctly by trying to enter some incorrect values.

Referential Integrity

We've learned that tables should have primary keys. We've also seen how we can join two tables together. Joining two tables requires that a field from one table match a field in another table.


A foreign key is a field in one table whose values are required to match the primary key for another table.


Question: Do we have a foreign key in our customer and driver tables?


The property that ensures that the value in a foreign key must match another tableÕs primary key is called referential integrity.


Before we specify referential integrity, we must specify a relationship between the two tables. Access will then prohibit any updates to the database that would violate the referential integrity.


The type of relationship between two tables specified by the relationship command is referred to as a one-to-many relationship. This means that one record in the first table matches many records in the second table, but each record in the second table is only related to one record in the first table.

Problem 4

Let us create a relationship between the driver number in both tables.


From the Tools menu select Relationships and add both tables to the relationship. Drag the driver number from one table to the driver number on the other table. In the box that appears check the Enforce Referential Integrity box.


Question: Describe the one-to-many relationship in this example.


Let us try to add and delete records and observe how referential integrity works.


Once you have a relationship between two tables, it is possible to view the fields in which the primary key appears as a foreign key.


We know this by the + sign that has appeared to the left of the driver number. Click on the + sign to see what I mean.

Complex Forms

The form that we created at the start of class was created using the AutoForm option. This created a standard form where all the fields were listed on the left hand side. As you can imagine this is not an entirely useful or pleasing form.


The easiest way to create our own custom forms is to use the form wizard to create a basic form for us, then we can modify it as we see fit.

Problem 5

The goal is to create a form like the one below for the driver table.



Once you have created the basic form above, try and enhance the form by adding command buttons and a combo box for easy navigation. To create Command Buttons, select the Design View and using the Toolbox, drag a button onto the screen giving it the functionality of "Next Record." Do the same for "Previous Record", "Add Record", "Delete Record", and "Close Form."