CS150 Introduction to Computer Science I

Please fill out the following form, send it to the printer, and bring the printed copy to class on Wednesday. Staple multiple pages together before turning in.

General Information

Email Address
Hometown, State

Please complete the following class schedule.

Note: You can go to http://boxeronline.pacificu.edu to find the schedule of classes.

Course Number Meeting Days Starting Class Time Instructor

Miscellaneous Questions

(Check all that apply)

Is this a major requirement?
    YES NO

The computer I own is a :
    Apple Mac: -      PC: -       None:

The computer(s) I own is a:
    Laptop: -       Desktop:

Favorite book:

I feel comfortable with the following Operating Systems:
    Mac OS X: - Windows XP/Vista/7: UNIX/LINUX :
If UNIX/LINUX, please specify which distribution:

I have programmed in:
    Java: -     C/C++: -       Visual Basic: -      HTML:       JavaScript:      PHP:       C#:       Perl:        Python:
    Other: if other, please specify

I've had a programming course before?  YES NO
    if so, where?

    in what language?

Favorite movie:

I have experience with:
    Telnet/SSH:      Microsoft Word:      PowerPoint:        Visual Studio         Eclipse

On average, how many hours do you spend on the Internet per week:

Favorite movie quote:

Please check "yes" or "no" for each of the following questions

I have used BoxerApps: Yes: No:

How many text messages do you send a day:

How many emails do you send a day:

I edit wikis:Yes: No:

Please answer the following three questions (if you can) for any PC in the Marsh labs:

1. The Operating System is

2. The processor speed is

3. The amount of main memory (RAM) is

What kind of things would you like to learn in this course?

What are your biggest concerns about this course?